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HOMEAbout K-water InstituteDepartmentsIntegrated Water Resources Management Research Center

Integrated Water Resources Management Research Center


Creative leader in technology responding to post-national project and water security

Main business

Development of key techniques for realizing K-Water's integrated water management (IWRM)

  • - Techniques for responding to water security and the latest investigation for constructing the foundation of integrated water management
  • - Techniques for managing future water resources and water environment responding to climate change

Development of foundation techniques for responding to algal bloom anticipatorily

  • - Techniques for connected operation of dam, barrage, and reservoir preparing against water quality and algal bloom
  • - Techniques for utilizing algal bloom and high-efficiency device for removing algal bloom

Development of cutting-edge ICT-based future water management techniques

  • - Techniques for managing and providing big data and land observation sensor-based water information
  • - ICT-based techniques for managing and monitoring water resources

Technology for reducing effects to ecological environment and restoring damaged ecosystem

  • - Techniques for constructing alternative habitat and plan of reducing environmental effect according to development
  • - Techniques for restoring aquatic ecology at dam and constructing ecological network in Water-friendly city

Operational direction

SMART Resources Institute for domestic
water sector to achieve the highest level

Practical research for securing future water - management techniques

  • Development of enhanced ICT-based
    techniques for managing
    information and flux of stream
  • Development of land observation
    sensor-based sluice gate and water
    disaster information portal system
  • Optimally designed water circulation
    at water front areas and establishment
    of management plan

Creation of key techniques related to water resources for improving brand value of K-Water

  • Establishment of future R&D imple-
    mentation plan in order to realize
    K-Water's IWRM
  • Stabilized water management for
    post-national project and enhancement
    of water-quality management
  • Development of techniques for
    providing water resources, preparing
    against climate change

Development of techniques for solving current issues with field cooperation

  • Securement of excellently specialized
    techniques to solve algal bloom
    on the basis of R&D
  • Monitoring and analyzing the effects
    to aquatic eco system at upstream
    and downstream of dam

About the department

Water Resources Research Center, composed of experts in various water-related major fields (sluice, hydraulics, water quality, aquatic ecology), takes the lead in the development of key techniques for future water management through integrated water management (IWRM), anticipatory response to algal bloom, cutting-edge ICT-based techniques, and multidisciplinary researches on water resources and environment fields.

The institute consists of 30 researchers with doctor's degree and 18 with master's degree and major filed is composed of experts in various areas including sluice, hydraulics, ecology, water quality, and oceanography.

There are three research teams (IWRM research team, ecology and sluice research team, and water information research team), blending major fields in each main business, and, for development of various water-related researches, they are divided into future-leading research and current issue-solving research and aim to develop basic and key techniques and secure practical techniques

Current state of budget(as of the first half of 2014):Company's project(2.24 bilion won), Consigned project(870 milion won)-> 3.11 billion won in total Classification of R&D area(future leading 10type, problem-solving 12type)

It has nine key and practical techniques in various fields from observation and investigation of water resources to hydraulics, sluice, water quality, and ecology and continues to make efforts to secure key techniques as well as practical techniques to support business.

Key technique 1

High-efficiency algal bloom-removal equipment movable on water (K-Water combine for green algae on water)

Selective collection of green algae with movable algal bloom-removal equipment after collecting and floating green algae with the use of algae remover

K-water GATe water combine

Key technique 1

Application and practical use of low impact development(LID) technique

Traditional rainwater management

Traditional rainwater management

LID water circulation management

LID water circulation management

Key technique 3

Distributed watershed runoff-analysis model

Physical distributed watershed runoff model in
lattice unit for analyzing watershed runoff, silt,
and water quality

사용자가 수질유사 자료, 강우자료, 지형자료를 입력하면 개인PC기반 사용자 분석을 통해 유출, 유사, 수질분석을 함, 현장 관측소, 레이더 정보, 관측정보, 기존 시스템, K-PPM수치 기상예측등을 통해 병렬기반 자동스케쥴을 수행하여 상시 유출을 예측

K-DRUM system diagram

System for analyzing the frequency of stream
flow and precipitation

Integrated program for analyzing the frequency of flood and
drought of stream flow and precipitation and for preprocessing
with the use of hydrologic data

강우량 및 하천유량 빈도분석 시스템

K-FAT applied screen

Key technique 4

Development of hydraulic sluice, environmental observation method, and equipment

Small river hydrometer for multiple water levels

Small river hydrometer for multiple water levels

Electromagnetic wave water surface velocity meter for normal and dry season (general purpose)

Electromagnetic wave water surface velocity meter for normal and dry season(general purpose)

유하량별 평균도달시간 계측순서로 1.센서준비, 2.방류센서부자준비, 3.센서 부자 투척, 4.하천방류, 5.인식 노드 준비, 6.PDA 자동 도달시간 계측

Measurement of average travel time
by stream flow (Four Major River)

수심을 확일 할수있게 만들어진 장치로 물위에 뜰수있는 부표 하단 부분에 길이가 조절되는 사다리 모양 부분이 있고 땅위에서 펼친 모습과 물위에 띄워져있는

Development of monitoring device
for each water level of river

퇴사량 측정장비로 물위에 떠다니며 토사량을 측정

Equipment for measuring the amount of
sediment created in reservoir

Key technique 5

Technique for restoring aquatic ecology of dam

Technique of floating swamp providing multiple organisms with habitat space where water plants, aquatic insects, fish, and otters coexist Technique which can protect spawn of fish in and floating on the reservoir from predators

The whole view of floating swamp in Soyang Dam

The whole view of floating swamp in Soyang Dam

The whole view of floating facility installed for protecting fish

The whole view of floating facility installed for protecting fish