K-water is top level total water service company.
HOMEServicesWater Safety ServicesWater Disaster Prevention
트위터(X) 페이스북

Water Disaster Prevention

Water Resources Safety Management System

Pre-emptive Water Management Using K-water’s Precipitation Forecasting System

In order to more proactively respond to abnormal weather phenomena caused by climate change and reflect the structural characteristics of dams and barrages situated in complicated topography, K-water has established a precipitation forecasting system based on ICT technologies that provide facility operators with real-time analyses and forecasts.

K-water’s Precipitation Prediction Model is built in a 3 x 3 km grid to resolve specific topographical characteristics of dams and barrages, to provide quantitative precipitation forecasting data for 120 hours (5 days every hour) four times a day for the pre-emptive identification of water hazards and water management tasks.

K-water Dam-Barrage Precipitation Prediction Model Production implies water treatment and Operation System
K-water Dam-Barrage Precipitation Prediction Model Production implies water treatment and Operation System [이미지]
Water Disaster Management Using a Real-Time Monitoring System

In order to preemptively prepare and respond to water disasters, K-water collects data from multi-purpose dams, dams for various uses, multi-functional barrages, flood control reservoir water levels, and precipitation observations every minute and operates a real-time water gate data quality management system to improve the accuracy and credibility of water level and precipitation data. Established in 2007, K-water operates a water management system that monitors watersheds and river basins through real-time monitoring from a centralized control room, providing integrated information analyses on water quality and volume which are invaluable for optimizing management services.

View of the Water Control Room (Headquarters)
View of the Water Control Room (Headquarters) [이미지]
Sample of the Real-time Monitoring Screen for Dams-Barrages
Sample of the Real-time Monitoring Screen for Dams-Barrages [이미지]