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HOMETechnologySmart Water Network Management
트위터 페이스북

Smart Water Network Management

Definition of SWNM (Smart Water Network Management)

optimal management technology to build and operate a tap water supply system that can take preemptive and active action in the event of accidents, such as water leaks and abnormal water quality, and reduce water leaks by combining IoT and AI technologies in the entire tap water supply process .

Definition of SWNM (Smart Water Network Management)

SWNM Project Overview

① Survey/Analysis

On-site survey and establishment of a pipe network

* On-site survey on water supply facilities, subsequently planning on block and pipe network maintenance, to be used as basic data, and pipe network construction technology for water supply maintenance

  • Lv 1. Pipe network (CAD)

  • Lv 2. Pipe network (system)

  • Lv 3. Pipe network (3D)


DMA Planning

Classification of the water supply monitoring system (large-medium-small), division of appropriate blocks comprehensively considering topography (roads, river, etc.), water use, water pressure, and facility installation plan review (flowmeter, block boundary, etc.)

DMA Planning : Flow meter, pressure-reducing valve, smart meter,  circulation pipe, emergency pipe, drainage basin, water purification, water supply pipe, drainage pipe, water pressure management area (low-lying area)

② Block construction

Installation of facilities, including control valves for managing flow rate, PCL, etc., according to appropriate block division plans

  • Lv 1. Construct a small block

    Construct a small block
  • Lv 2. Construct a management block

    Construct a management block
  • Lv 3. Advancement of incident response

    Advancement of incident response

③ Water leak management

Core NRW reduction technology to check underground leak locations using equipment and sensors

  • Lv 1. Human-based listening
    leak detection

    Human-based listening leak detection
  • Lv 2. IoT-used
    leak detection

    IoT-used leak detection
  • Lv 3. AI-based
    leak detection

    AI-based leak detection

④ Water pressure management

Leak reduction and securement of supply stability by setting the proper water pressure for high pressure and excessive water pressure deviation areas

  • Lv 1. Simple

    Simple decompression
  • Lv 2. Multistage

    Multistage decompression
  • Lv 3. Real-time active

    Real-time active decompression

⑤ Monitoring Maintenance

Setting effective and systematic pipe maintenance section through hydraulic, water quality diagnosis, and pipe status evaluation

  • Lv 1. Operation data-based

    Operation data-based
  • Lv 2. Survey-based

  • Lv 3. System-based


⑥ System Build-up

Construction of a monitoring and surveillance system for real-time monitoring of facility operation data (flow rate, water pressure, and quality)
* Establishment of a monitoring and management system for systematic flow rate management, such as flow rate, MNF analysis, etc.

  • Lv 1. TM/TC construction

    TM/TC construction
  • Lv 2. Providing real-time
    water supply information

    Providing real-time water supply information
  • Lv 3. Establishing a control room
    (control center)

    Establishing a control room (control center)

⑦ Water Quality Management

Establish a water quality management facility to supply clean water

  • Lv 1. Auto water quality detector,
    re-chlorination facility

    Auto water quality detector, re-chlorination facility
  • Lv 2. Auto drain,
    Pipe cleaning infra (general)

    Auto drain, Pipe cleaning infra (general)
  • Lv 3. Micro filter,
    Pipe cleaning infra (advanced)

    Micro filter, Pipe cleaning infra (advanced)

Domestic SWNM Achievements

Successfully promoted the modernization of water supply systems in 82 localities in Korea

Local Water Supply Modernization Status : Improvement of flow rate: before and after the project / Secure water resources (reduced leak): 110 million m3/year reduced | secured water worth Boryeong Dam / Economic effect: economic effect induced, 1.1 trillion KRW/year / Carbon reduced: 20,000 pine trees > 4.6 times the World Cup Stadium  27,531tCO2/year

SWNM Project Effects

  • Reduced leaks : Fee revenue increases through leak reduction and water supply expanded to non-supplied area
  • Stable water supply : Stable water supply by securing appropriate water pressure and preventing leaks
  • Water quality management : Supply clean tap water through real-time water quality monitoring
  • Systematic water pipe network management : Establish a scientific and systematic water pipe network management system