K-water is top level total water service company.
트위터(X) 페이스북


Industrial water refers to treated water customized for companies’ needs. K-water has enhanced global competitiveness by developing optimal water treatment technologies and saving water production costs with efficient operation and maintenance practices. K-water has also ensured reliable water supply through linking among regional water supply networks.
※ Customized industrial water treatment : Process to produce and supply water meeting specific quality requirements for industrial sectors.

Types and purposes of industrial water

Customized industrial water treatment
Classification RO water Pure water Ultra pure water
Resistivity* Under 0.1 ㏁·㎝ Under 0.1 ㏁·㎝ More than 10 ㏁·㎝
Process Multi-layered filter, carbon adsorption Ion exchange, CO2 exhaustion Dissolved oxygen exhaustion, ultra-filtration
Industrial Field Steel companies, petrochemical companies Power generation, automobile, wood pulp Semiconductor makers, display makers, pharmaceutical firms

* Resistivity : electric resistivity per unit area or unit length

Customized ultra-pure industrial water treatment technology

  • Having developed & secured optimal process combination technologies through operating ultra-pure water pilot plants, K-water plans to develop new relevant processes and technologies until 2016.