K-water is top level total water service company.
트위터(X) 페이스북


K-water is the only organization in Korea that is equipped with professional capabilities to perform various surveys & investigations on all areas of water resources, including hydrological survey, basin survey, groundwater survey, etc. All water-related information and data acquired on a real-time basis are accessible to all people via the ICT-based RHDAPS (Real-time Hydrological Data Acquisition & Processing System) or the national water-related portal systems. These data are also used to develop new policies on water resources or new water-related project opportunities.

Big-data-based water resource information management system linked to satellite images and realtime measured data

  • RHDAPS (Real-time Hydrological Data Acquisition and Processing System)

    RHDAPS is a customized portal system based on web-DB to acquire, transmit, store and process real-time hydrological data, and thereby produce & supply quality hydrological data.

  • Riverflow Measurement Technology(RMT)

    RMTs, which include multi-depth flowmeters, microwave surface velocity meter and gyro ball, are used to acquire reliable basic water resources data, and thereby perform relevant surveys in a timely manner

  • M-WAS(Mobile Water Analysis System)

    M-WASs are multi-purpose river survey vehicles used to conveniently accommodate and transport such river survey equipment or instruments as flowmeters, suspended load samplers, S-boats, etc.

  • HOPTC (Hydrological Observation Performance Test Center)

    HOPTC is a proven performance test center with capabilities to perform overall performance tests on hydrological monitoring systems in terms of their performance, compatibility, applicability, reliability, etc.