K-water is top level total water service company.
트위터 페이스북


K-water has applied IWRM (integrated water resourcemanagement) practices across the whole process of water cycle, which would enable the efficient use and management of water resources, including rainfall and water flowing from basins and rivers.

  • Water Information Survey, Management and Analysis Technologies

    • Acquisition & analysis of real-time hydrological data
    • Survey & management of basin, river and groundwater data
    • Customized status survey & analysis of water resources
  • Water Management Forecasting &Decision-Making Technologies

    • Real-time data analysis & decision-making
    • Rainfall forecasting
    • Flood control
    • Water supply
    • Water quality management
    • Power generation
  • Hydraulic Infrastructure Maintenance & Safety Management Technologies

    • Integrated safety management system for hydraulic structures
    • Dam risk analysis & assessment
    • Improvement of flood control capacity
    • Improvement of aged dams’ capacity
  • Integrated Water Quality Management

    • Integrated water quality prediction system for target basins & rivers
    • Real-time monitoring of water pollution
    • Water ecology restoration technologies