K-water is top level total water service company.
트위터 페이스북


As part of efforts to ensure the stability & safety of water resource management infrastructure against various risk factors (e.g., extreme storm events, earthquake, aged structures, etc.), K-water has been making efforts to improve its own flood control capacity, as through building new emergency spillways and connecting dams for their integrated operation. Also, K-water has applied prevention-oriented safety management practices by developing & building the ICT-based integrated safety management system which allows real-time measurements with various kinds of embedded instruments and real-time monitoring of seismic events, and adopting quality dam risk analysis & assessment methods.

ICT-based IWRSMS (Integrated Water Resource Safety Management System)

  • WRIS (Water resources Integration System)

    A system for the methodical management of real-time big-data on water resources (e.g.,hydrological & meteorological data, water supply, etc.) and the integrated management of information required to operate & maintain dams and weirs.

  • IWRSMS (Integrated Water Resource Safety Management System)

    IWRSMS is a system with which it’s possible to trigger an early warning in any emergency situation through monitoring and analyzing information about the maintenance records of relevant infrastructure assets (in terms of regular inspection, repair and reinforcement) and nation-wide seismic events and ensuring real-time measurement with dam instrumentation devices.

  • KEMS (Korea Earthquake M onitoring System)

    KEMS is a system with which it’s possible to receive & analyze real-time information about seismic event through ensuring the integrated management of seismometers at hydraulic structures (dams and weirs) and spread & share information about any emergency situation in a timely manner.

  • D-SMART(Dam risk assessment tool)

    D-SMART is a dam safety management decision support system to assess risks through the hydrological, geotechnical probability analysis of various possible risk factors inherent in dams, and thereby improve their performance.

  • Large Geotechnical Centrifuge(LGC)

    LGC is the world’s largest modeling equipment used to evaluate the design appropriateness & stability of large-scale structures, identify their flood- or earthquakespecific damage & failure mechanism, and evaluate the viability of any countermeasures


    SMART-TM is a system into which the whole disaster management practices (including the acquisition & sharing of relevant information among water management organizations and remote control) are integrated with a standard information delivery platform optimized for the development of disaster management system.